We Provide the Highest Level of Care:

3D Mammography & Contrast-Enhanced Mammography
We were the first clinic to provide 3D Mammography in Kentucky, and we are one of the two sites in the USA that offers Contrast-Enhanced Mammography. Both of these technologies allow us to find cancer earlier.
Get Appointments & Results Quickly
We read our own images and are able to provide results faster... even online. We can also do diagnostics and additional services on-site, reducing your waiting time.
Enjoy our "Spa-like" Atmosphere
We are the only imaging center in Somerset that has a "ladies lounge", and our cupcakes are famous! Take a look at our Facebook page for more pictures and patient reviews.
More Info: Not all Mammograms are the Same...
3D Tomosynthesis (aka 3D Mammogram)
In December of 2011, the RSNA (Radiologic Society of North America) published a study where 4,534 patients were screened for breast cancer. Of the cancers that were found, only 76% were seen with traditional mammography, while all the cancers were seen using 3D mammography.
In the last few years there has been ongoing research that has clearly shown that a new kind of mammogram (called 3D mammography or tomosynthesis) can consistently find breast cancers when they are smaller and earlier than can be detected with standard or regular mammography.
This is a game changer because early detection is the difference between life and death. You can read Dr. Woodroof's paper on this topic here.
For more information, go to
We Offer a "Softer Mammogram"
Many women avoid or delay their annual mammogram because they are afraid of feeling pain during the exam. Now there is a way to minimize the discomfort associated with a mammogram. MammoPad® is a foam pad that serves as a cushion between a woman's breast and the mammography machine, resulting in a warmer, softer, more comfortable mammogram. MammoPads® can be purchased for $6.00.

Image without contrast
Image with contrast